Continental Cuisine

Continental Cuisine

A salad plate is my favourite portion of the meal. Eating a salad every day is a great way to get the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. This colourful plate invites me the most. I love to add to my salad some seasonal fruits which are not too sweet...
​ Mix Veg Pasta (no cheese) Whenever I plan to cook pasta I don't have to worry about the absence of cheeses or cream in my kitchen most of the times, I use to cook pasta without dairy. I feel that there are many ways that you can make pasta...
    Pasta cooked with hummus is a guilt-free recipe without loads of cheese which we usually add to our pasta. In this recipe, I have replaced the cheese with hummus(a creamy chickpea paste with tahini- a creamy white til/sesame paste) In this way, this dish is a complete and balanced one with...

Orange Peel Candy

Most of us might have relished citrus candies in our childhood, as these are the most favourite. I too love those flavours and often bake orange-flavoured cakes and cupcakes to which I Love to add homemade orange marmalade. Orange marmalade made by me contains orange peel candy. Everyone in...
Tofu or bean curd has gained a lot of popularity for past few years.Its a vegan product prepared with soybeans, highly recommended by the nutritionists for those who are seeking for weight loss. This versatile product is a great source of amino acid, iron and calcium.Those who are allergic to...
This mushroom curry is a lip-smacking curry which goes very well with Fried Rice or Veg Noodles or Hakka Noodles. In this curry mushrooms, veggies and garlic are stir-fried and Chinese flavoured spices are used along with soy and vinegar. This Indo-Chinese Mushroom curry is not as greasy and spicy as...
Welcome winter! What could be a better way to perfect a day and hit the sack in winter than making a slurpy Chinese mixed veg Curry filled with the goodness of all the beautiful vegetables freshly available in this season? Yes, you heard it right! Chinese Mixed Veg Curry...
In the year 1778, the China-man Yang Tai Chow visited India and settled in Kolkata (then Calcutta) for more flourishing material gains. India started a taste of having Chinese food since then. As all immigrant communities tend to do, the Chinese assimilated Indian sensibilities and beliefs. And so it...